Secular Koranism Manifesto! Laws to be added to the constitutions of every nation!

 Manifesto Of The Secular Koranist Party
Written for the Messiah Substitute, Claire Khaw

Secular Koranism is the taking of the Koran and removing god, removing belief (Secular Koranism is an Agnostic State), removing prayer, removing ritual, removing holidays, removing everything that makes Islam a religion, and only keep the the laws for humans that are capable of being implemented into legislation and can be enforced by a court. Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a faith. Secular Koranism is Sharia as defined by Claire Khaw.  Claire Khaw has derived the following laws from the Korn which are to be encoded into every nation's constitutions:

No Usury

Whip Unmarried Parents 100  Cane Lashes

20% flat rate income tax

No no-fault divorce 

Government Owned Slaves
Those in poverty will be owned by the government and hired out as slaves to private citizens who will be monitored by state Slave Visitors to ensure the slaves are not being abused. 

Legalized Prostitution In Red Light Districts

One Party State of Secular Koranism
No Formation Of New Political Parties 

Female Birth Control Only For Married Women Who Have Completed Their Family, Or For Prostitutes 

No Visible Homosexual Expressions 
(Gay bars cannot advertise on the outside of the establishment and no gay parades, gays can have domestic partnerships but a public admission of being gay can lead to a lewdness violation)

Citizen's Militia

A State TV Channel For Propaganda Only

Make it a requirement to have a marriage contract before people can get married.

abolish Inheritance Tax

Abolish the civil partnership 

Abolish gay marriage


  1. Claire Khaw who wrote Secular Koranism available from Amazon at is grateful to Vincent Bruno for this post giving his understanding of how it could operate in America.


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