A Constitution for Secular Koranist World Governance


Below is a proposed constitution for a Secular Koranist World Governing State, based on the definition of Secular Koranism by Claire Khaw and the legal and social system outlined previously. This constitution enshrines the specified laws and establishes a detailed governmental structure consistent with the principles of Secular Koranism as a secular, authoritarian legal system.

Constitution of the Secular Koranist World State
We, the architects of the Secular Koranist World State, establish this Constitution to create a unified, orderly, and disciplined global society. Drawing from the practical laws of the Koran, stripped of all religious and ritualistic elements, this document establishes a legal system for humanity, free of faith or divinity, enforceable by courts, and dedicated to the principles of justice, stability, and state authority.
Article I: Fundamental Principles
  1. Secular Nature: The Secular Koranist World State (SKWS) is an agnostic entity, rejecting all religious belief, prayer, rituals, and holidays. Its laws are derived solely from the Koran’s enforceable prescriptions for human conduct.
  2. Legal Supremacy: This Constitution and its derived laws are the supreme authority, binding all citizens and institutions.
  3. One-Party Governance: The Secular Koranist Party (SKP) is the sole political entity, tasked with upholding and implementing this Constitution. Formation of alternative political parties is prohibited.
Article II: Legislative Framework
  1. Core Laws:
    • Prohibition of Usury: All interest-based financial transactions are illegal.
    • Punishment for Unmarried Parents: Unmarried individuals who bear children shall receive 100 cane lashes, administered publicly.
    • Taxation: A flat 20% income tax is levied on all citizens, with no exemptions.
    • Marriage and Divorce:
      • Marriage requires a state-approved contract; no-fault divorce is abolished.
      • Civil partnerships and gay marriage are prohibited.
    • Inheritance: Inheritance tax is abolished; property passes freely to heirs.
    • Prostitution: Legalized and confined to designated red-light districts, regulated by the state.
    • Homosexual Expression: Public displays of homosexuality (e.g., parades, visible gay bars) are banned; public admission of homosexuality constitutes a lewdness violation, punishable by fines or imprisonment. Private domestic partnerships are permitted.
    • Birth Control: Restricted to married women who have completed their families or state-registered prostitutes.
  2. Slavery System:
    • Individuals in poverty, as defined by state metrics, shall become government-owned slaves, hired out to private citizens. State Slave Visitors shall monitor their treatment to prevent abuse.
Article III: Structure of Government
  1. Central Authority: The SKWS is governed by the Secular Koranist Council (SKC), a body of appointed officials led by the Supreme Executor.
    • Supreme Executor: The head of state, appointed for life by the SKC, with authority to enforce laws, oversee the SKP, and appoint key officials.
    • Council Composition: 50 members, selected by the Supreme Executor from SKP ranks based on loyalty and competence.
  2. Legislative Body: The SKC drafts and amends laws, subject to the Supreme Executor’s approval, ensuring alignment with Secular Koranist principles.
  3. Judicial System:
    • Koranist Courts: A tiered judiciary (Local, Regional, Supreme) interprets and enforces laws. Judges are appointed by the SKC and trained in Secular Koranist legal doctrine.
    • Punishments: Include fines, imprisonment, corporal punishment (e.g., lashes), and, where applicable, enslavement.
  4. Administrative Divisions:
    • The SKWS is divided into Provinces, each governed by a Provincial Overseer appointed by the SKC. Overseers enforce national laws and report to the Supreme Executor.
Article IV: Citizen Obligations and Rights
  1. Obligations:
    • All citizens must pay the 20% tax, serve in the Citizen’s Militia if called, and adhere to marriage and morality laws.
    • Citizens must report violations of public morality (e.g., homosexual displays, usury) to authorities.
  2. Rights:
    • Citizens have the right to state protection, employment (including as slaves if impoverished), and access to regulated prostitution.
    • Freedom of speech is limited to expressions consistent with state propaganda and morality laws.
Article V: Security and Propaganda
  1. Citizen’s Militia: A mandatory, armed civilian force, trained and directed by the state, ensures internal security and law enforcement.
  2. State Media: The Secular Koranist Broadcasting Network (SKBN), a single state-run TV channel, disseminates propaganda, educates citizens on laws, and reinforces SKWS values.
Article VI: Slavery Oversight
  1. State Slavery Agency (SSA): A dedicated body under the SKC manages the enslavement of the impoverished, assigns slaves to private citizens, and employs Slave Visitors to conduct regular inspections.
  2. Slave Rights: Slaves are entitled to food, shelter, and protection from abuse, enforced by the SSA.
Article VII: Amendments and Enforcement
  1. Amendments: The SKC may propose amendments, subject to a two-thirds majority vote and Supreme Executor approval. Amendments must align with Secular Koranist principles.
  2. Enforcement: The Supreme Executor, SKC, and Citizen’s Militia jointly ensure compliance. Non-compliance results in swift judicial action.
Article VIII: Transitional Provisions
  1. Implementation: Upon adoption, all existing national constitutions are nullified, and the SKWS assumes global authority.
  2. Integration: Existing governments must dissolve political parties, align laws with this Constitution, and transfer authority to Provincial Overseers within one year.

Explanation of the Constitution
This constitution reflects Secular Koranism’s emphasis on a secular, authoritarian legal system derived from Koranic laws, as defined by Claire Khaw. It establishes a centralized, one-party state with a strong executive (Supreme Executor) and a legislative council (SKC) to enforce its principles. The judiciary ensures legal consistency, while the Citizen’s Militia and slavery system address security and poverty. Propaganda via the SKBN maintains ideological unity, and strict social laws (e.g., marriage contracts, punishment of unmarried parents) reinforce traditional structures. The abolition of usury, flat taxation, and inheritance tax aligns with economic simplicity, while regulated prostitution and restricted homosexuality balance human behavior with state control.
This document creates a world state that prioritizes order, discipline, and uniformity over pluralism or individual liberty, consistent with the vision of Secular Koranism as a legal—not spiritual—framework.


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