Secular Koranist Party Constitution


Below is a detailed constitution for the Secular Koranist Party (SKP), designed to align with Claire Khaw’s definition of Secular Koranism and the previously crafted Secular Koranist World State Constitution. This party constitution establishes an internal structure that can seamlessly transition into the governance framework of the Secular Koranist World State (SKWS) once the party assumes global power. It reflects the principles of Secular Koranism—agnosticism, legalism, authoritarianism, and utilitarian social order—while providing a blueprint for both party operations and eventual state administration.

Constitution of the Secular Koranist Party (SKP)
We, the founders of the Secular Koranist Party, establish this Constitution to unite advocates of a secular, law-based global order derived from the practical prescriptions of the Koran. Rejecting faith, ritual, and divinity, we commit to constructing a disciplined society governed by enforceable legislation. This document serves as both the operational framework of the SKP and the foundation for its transition into the governing authority of the Secular Koranist World State.
Article I: Principles and Objectives
  1. Core Principles:
    • The SKP is an agnostic, secular organization dedicated to implementing a legal system based on Koranic laws, stripped of religious elements (e.g., prayer, belief in God, holidays).
    • The party upholds a single, unified ideology prohibiting usury, enforcing traditional family structures, regulating morality, and establishing state-controlled labor systems.
  2. Objectives:
    • To advocate for and establish the Secular Koranist World State (SKWS) as the sole global governing authority.
    • To transition the SKP into the SKWS government upon achieving power, dissolving all other political entities and national constitutions.
Article II: Party Structure
  1. Leadership:
    • Supreme Leader: The head of the SKP, elected for life by the Party Council, serves as the chief strategist and decision-maker. Upon transition to the SKWS, the Supreme Leader becomes the Supreme Executor.
    • Party Council: A body of 50 members, appointed by the Supreme Leader from loyal and competent party members, serves as the legislative and advisory arm. This council transitions into the Secular Koranist Council (SKC) of the SKWS.
  2. Regional Chapters:
    • The SKP is organized into Provincial Chapters, each led by a Provincial Director appointed by the Party Council. These directors transition into Provincial Overseers in the SKWS.
  3. Membership:
    • Membership is open to individuals who pledge allegiance to Secular Koranist principles and pass a vetting process conducted by the Party Council.
    • Members are organized into Local Cells, each led by a Cell Captain, tasked with recruitment, propaganda, and enforcement of party discipline.
Article III: Party Laws and Policies
  1. Legislative Framework:
    • The SKP adopts the following laws, to be enshrined in the SKWS Constitution upon taking power:
      • Prohibition of usury.
      • 100 cane lashes for unmarried parents.
      • 20% flat-rate income tax; abolition of inheritance tax.
      • Mandatory marriage contracts; no no-fault divorce; abolition of civil partnerships and gay marriage.
      • Legalized prostitution in red-light districts.
      • Restrictions on public homosexual expression (e.g., no parades, visible gay bars; lewdness penalties for public admissions).
      • Birth control limited to married women who have completed families or prostitutes.
      • State ownership of the impoverished as slaves, hired out with oversight.
  2. Propaganda and Education:
    • The SKP maintains a Propaganda Division, which transitions into the Secular Koranist Broadcasting Network (SKBN), tasked with promoting party ideology and preparing citizens for SKWS governance.
  3. Militia Development:
    • The SKP organizes a Party Militia, composed of trained members, which transitions into the Citizen’s Militia of the SKWS, ensuring security and law enforcement.
Article IV: Operational Mechanisms
  1. Decision-Making:
    • The Supreme Leader holds final authority, with the Party Council proposing policies and laws by majority vote, subject to the Leader’s approval.
    • Provincial Directors implement decisions locally, reporting to the Party Council.
  2. Discipline:
    • Members violating party laws or principles face expulsion, fines, or corporal punishment, as determined by a Party Tribunal (transitioning into the Koranist Courts).
  3. Resource Management:
    • The SKP collects dues (20% of members’ income) to fund operations, mirroring the flat tax of the SKWS. Funds support propaganda, militia training, and administrative costs.
Article V: Transition to Governance
  1. Power Assumption:
    • Upon achieving global dominance, the SKP dissolves all other political parties and national governments, establishing the SKWS as the sole authority.
    • The Supreme Leader becomes the Supreme Executor, the Party Council becomes the SKC, and Provincial Directors become Provincial Overseers.
  2. Structural Continuity:
    • Legislative Transition: Party Council policies become SKWS laws, with the SKC refining and enforcing them.
    • Judicial Transition: Party Tribunals evolve into Koranist Courts, staffed by trained SKP members.
    • Administrative Transition: Local Cells integrate into provincial governance, with Cell Captains assisting Overseers.
    • Militia Transition: The Party Militia becomes the Citizen’s Militia, fully armed and state-directed.
    • Propaganda Transition: The Propaganda Division becomes the SKBN, a state-run channel.
  3. Slavery Implementation:
    • The SKP’s Poverty Task Force, tasked with identifying and managing the impoverished, transitions into the State Slavery Agency (SSA), overseeing slave assignment and monitoring.
Article VI: Membership Duties and Rights
  1. Duties:
    • Members must promote Secular Koranism, report violations of party principles, and participate in militia training if required.
    • Members pledge to uphold marriage and morality laws in their personal lives.
  2. Rights:
    • Members have access to party resources, training, and the right to propose policies to their Cell Captain for escalation to the Party Council.
    • Upon transition to the SKWS, loyal members are prioritized for administrative and judicial roles.
Article VII: Amendments
  1. Process: Amendments to this Constitution require a two-thirds vote of the Party Council and Supreme Leader approval, ensuring fidelity to Secular Koranist principles.
  2. Post-Transition: Amendments align with the SKWS Constitution’s process, handled by the SKC and Supreme Executor.
Article VIII: Founding Declaration
  1. Commitment: The SKP dedicates itself to the global realization of Secular Koranism, preparing humanity for a unified, law-based order.
  2. Activation: This Constitution takes effect immediately upon ratification by the founding Party Council and Supreme Leader.

Explanation of the SKP Constitution
This constitution mirrors the Secular Koranist World State Constitution in its legal and social framework, ensuring a seamless transition from party to government. The SKP’s structure—Supreme Leader, Party Council, Provincial Chapters, and Local Cells—parallels the SKWS’s Supreme Executor, SKC, Provincial Overseers, and local administration, allowing personnel and systems to shift effortlessly into state roles. The Party Militia, Propaganda Division, and Poverty Task Force prefigure the Citizen’s Militia, SKBN, and SSA, respectively, embedding these institutions within the party before statehood.
The SKP Constitution enforces Claire Khaw’s vision of Secular Koranism as a legal system, not a faith, with laws like no usury, corporal punishment for unmarried parents, and regulated prostitution codified from the outset. Its authoritarian, one-party design eliminates political pluralism, aligning with the SKWS’s one-party state. By integrating propaganda, militia, and slavery oversight into its pre-governance phase, the SKP ensures operational readiness to impose its vision globally, fulfilling its agnostic, utilitarian mission.


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