Thursday, March 6, 2025

Secular Koranism - A New Constitution for America


 Below is a proposed constitution for the Secular Koranist State of America (SKSA), infusing Secular Koranism World State (SKWS) structures and principles into the United States Constitution, utilizing all the data I’ve generated on Secular Koranism (Claire Khaw’s definition, SKWS Constitution, SKP Constitution, Manifesto, psychological profiles, pamphlets, speeches, story, essays, marriage bureau guide, implementation report, and the overview). This constitution retains the U.S. Constitution’s language and structure as much as possible, adapting it only where necessary to align with Secular Koranism’s secular, patriarchal, and order-driven principles. It includes all freedoms from the Bill of Rights (e.g., freedom to bear arms), instructions for seamless integration into the SKWS, and reflects Secular Koranism’s key policies (e.g., no usury, one-party state, government slavery, family hierarchy) while preserving familiar phrasing.

Constitution of the Secular Koranist State of America (SKSA)
We the People of the Secular Koranist State of America, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Secular Koranist State of America, guided by the practical laws of the Quran as interpreted secularly, free of religious dogma, to advance order, fairness, and patriarchal strength under one unified authority.
Article I: Legislative Powers
Section 1: The Secular Koranist Council (SKC)
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Secular Koranist Council of America, which shall consist of a single chamber, the Council, appointed by the Supreme Executor and the Secular Koranist Party (SKP), replacing the bicameral Congress to ensure unity and efficiency (SKWS Constitution). No rival parties shall exist—factionalism is abolished (Political Parties pamphlet).
Section 2: Composition and Appointment
The SKC shall consist of 50 members, chosen every sixth year by the Supreme Executor from SKP ranks, based on merit and loyalty to Secular Koranism principles (SKP Constitution). Vacancies shall be filled by the Supreme Executor.
Section 3: Powers of the SKC
The SKC shall have Power:
  • To lay and collect a flat Tax of 20% on Income, uniform throughout the State (Economics pamphlet);
  • To eliminate usury, establishing the Secular Koranist Finance Agency (SKFA) for profit-sharing loans (Immediate Ban Inquiry);
  • To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, among the Provinces, and with private entities, banning interest-based transactions;
  • To establish a uniform Rule of Government Slavery, replacing welfare (Economics pamphlet);
  • To provide for organizing and arming the Citizen’s Militia for enforcing SKSA laws (SKP Constitution);
  • To make all Laws necessary and proper for executing these Powers, aligned with Secular Koranism (Manifesto).
Section 4: Limitations
No Law shall enforce religious belief or prohibit personal consumption of alcohol, pork, or gambling, though public drunkenness and disorderly vice shall be penalized (Alcohol and Pork, Gambling pamphlets).
Article II: Executive Power
Section 1: The Supreme Executor
The executive Power shall be vested in a Supreme Executor of the Secular Koranist State of America, appointed for life by the SKC from SKP leadership, removable only by SKC supermajority (two-thirds) for grave misconduct (SKWS Constitution). No elections—appointment ensures unity (Political Parties pamphlet).
Section 2: Powers and Duties
The Supreme Executor shall:
  • Be Commander in Chief of the Citizen’s Militia;
  • Appoint SKC members, Koranist Court Judges, and heads of the SKFA and State Slavery Agency (SSA), with SKC consent;
  • Direct the Secular Koranist Broadcasting Network (SKBN) to promote SKSA laws and values (Story pamphlet);
  • Ensure seamless integration into the SKWS as a member state (see Article VII).
Section 3: State of the Union and Legislation
He shall periodically inform the SKC of the State of the Union and recommend necessary measures, executing all SKC laws faithfully.
Article III: Judicial Power
Section 1: Koranist Courts
The judicial Power shall be vested in one supreme Koranist Court and inferior Courts as the SKC establishes, replacing prior federal courts with a secular, unified system (SKWS Constitution).
Section 2: Judicial Scope
The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases arising under this Constitution and SKSA Laws—e.g., whipping unwed mothers, profit-sharing disputes—excluding enforcement of gambling debts (Gambling pamphlet). Judges serve during good behavior, appointed by the Supreme Executor with SKC approval.
Article IV: The Provinces
Section 1: Provincial Governance
Each Province (formerly States) shall be governed by a Provincial Overseer, appointed by the Supreme Executor, managing local SKC laws and Citizen’s Militia units (SKP Constitution). Full Faith and Credit shall be given to provincial acts, aligned with SKSA uniformity.
Section 2: Citizen Rights and Duties
Citizens shall enjoy SKSA privileges—e.g., DNA testing for fathers (DNA Testing pamphlet)—and bear duties, including militia service and tax payment (SKWS Constitution).
Article V: Amendments
The SKC, by two-thirds vote with Supreme Executor approval, may propose Amendments to align with Secular Koranism principles, ratified by three-fourths of Provincial Overseers—no factional gridlock (SKP Constitution).
Article VI: Supremacy and Transition
This Constitution, and SKSA Laws, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; prior debts and engagements under the U.S. Constitution transition to profit-sharing terms (Immediate Ban Inquiry). All officers shall pledge to uphold Secular Koranism’s secular order.
Article VII: Integration into the Secular Koranist World State
Section 1: Membership Process
Upon ratification, the SKSA shall seamlessly become a member state of the SKWS:
  • Step 1: The Supreme Executor submits SKSA accession to the SKWS Supreme Executor within 90 days, aligning SKC laws with SKWS standards (SKWS Constitution).
  • Step 2: The SKFA integrates with the global SKWS Finance Network, transferring profit-sharing data (Immediate Ban Inquiry).
  • Step 3: The SSA aligns slavery programs with SKWS protocols—Slave Visitors report to global SSA (Economics pamphlet).
  • Step 4: SKBN syncs with global propaganda—uniform messaging (Story pamphlet).
  • Step 5: Provincial Overseers cede foreign policy to SKWS, retaining domestic control under SKC oversight (Implementation report).
Section 2: Sovereignty
SKSA retains internal governance, submitting to SKWS on global matters—e.g., trade, defense—ensuring unity (Political Parties pamphlet).
Bill of Rights: Freedoms Retained and Adapted
Amendment I: No Law shall establish religion or prohibit its free exercise—belief and speech are free within SKSA bounds (Freedom pamphlet); public homosexuality banned as lewdness (Homosexuality pamphlet); assembly and petition rights upheld, regulated for order (SKP Constitution).
Amendment II: A well-regulated Citizen’s Militia being necessary to SKSA security, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed—militia service encouraged (SKWS Constitution).
Amendment III: No Soldier (Militia) shall, in peacetime, be quartered in any house without owner consent, nor in wartime but as SKC prescribes (U.S. Constitution retained).
Amendment IV: The right against unreasonable searches and seizures, with Warrants on probable cause, shall stand—privacy respected, barring public vice (Alcohol and Pork pamphlet).
Amendment V: No person shall face double jeopardy or self-incrimination; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process—whipping (Family Values pamphlet) and slavery (Economics pamphlet) are lawful processes; private property protected, usury contracts voided (Immediate Ban Inquiry).
Amendment VI: In criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy speedy trials, impartial juries, counsel, and witness confrontation—Koranist Courts ensure (SKWS Constitution).
Amendment VII: Civil trials by jury remain for disputes over twenty dollars—except gambling debts, unenforceable (Gambling pamphlet).
Amendment VIII: Excessive bail, fines, or cruel punishments (beyond whipping, 100 lashes) shall not be imposed—discipline, not cruelty (Abortion Inquiry report).
Amendment IX: Rights not enumerated—e.g., alcohol, pork consumption (Alcohol and Pork pamphlet)—are retained by the people.
Amendment X: Powers not delegated to SKSA—e.g., local vice regulation—reside with Provinces or people, under SKC oversight (SKP Constitution).
Additional Provisions: Secular Koranism Principles
Section 1: Economic System
  • Usury banned—SKFA replaces banks with profit-sharing (Immediate Ban Inquiry); 20% flat tax, no inheritance tax (Economics pamphlet); SSA manages slavery for the poor—Slave Visitors enforce rights (Story pamphlet).
Section 2: Family and Social Order
  • Marriage contracts mandatory, no no-fault divorce, no civil unions or gay marriage—DNA tests free for fathers (Marriage, DNA Testing pamphlets); unwed mothers whipped, prostitutes regulated with birth control (Women’s Role, Prostitution pamphlets); ceremonial wrist-slapping for rebellious wives (Wife-Beating pamphlet); abortion stigmatized, ban preferred (Abortion Inquiry report).
Section 3: Education
  • A, B, B+ schools—State Education Board sets curriculum: Koranic laws (secular), moral reasoning—co-education ends at secondary (Education pamphlet).
Section 4: Vice Regulation
  • Alcohol, pork, gambling legal—public drunkenness fined, gambling debts voluntary (Alcohol and Pork, Gambling pamphlets); prostitution in red-light districts (Prostitution pamphlet).
This Constitution shall be ratified by Conventions in three-fourths of the Provinces, replacing the U.S. Constitution upon SKP global power, aligning SKSA with SKWS seamlessly (Implementation report).

Explanation of the Constitution
This constitution adapts the U.S. Constitution to Secular Koranism:
  • Structure: Retains Articles I-VII and Bill of Rights—language mirrors U.S. Constitution (e.g., “We the People,” “judicial Power”)—but infuses SKWS elements (SKC, Supreme Executor, Koranist Courts).
  • Secular Koranism Clashes: Replaces Congress with SKC, Presidency with Supreme Executor (one-party state, Political Parties pamphlet); bans usury (Economics pamphlet); adds slavery (SKWS Constitution)—contrasting U.S. pluralism and Thirteenth Amendment (Essay on U.S. Constitution conflict).
  • Bill of Rights: Preserves freedoms (e.g., arms, speech)—adapted for SKSA order (e.g., public homosexuality ban, Homosexuality pamphlet)—no compulsion in belief (Freedom pamphlet).
  • Integration: Article VII outlines SKWS membership—SKFA, SSA, SKBN sync with global systems (Implementation report, Immediate Ban Inquiry).
  • Policies: Incorporates family hierarchy (Women’s Role essay), vice regulation (Prostitution, Gambling pamphlets), education tiers (Education pamphlet), and DNA testing (DNA Testing pamphlet).
It blends U.S. constitutional familiarity with Secular Koranism’s authoritarian, patriarchal principles, ensuring a seamless SKWS transition while retaining core liberties, tailored for America’s context.

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